Saturday, June 25, 2016

Schedule for 60 North Radio today, Saturday 25 June

Hi folks - thanks for your support last night as we test-drove Promote shetland's new 60 North 'Visual Radio' platform.

Today, just past midsummer, we launch the service properly with 12 hours of live moving pictures and a whole bunch of new radio programmes, live and recorded. You'll see and hear, we hope, Shetland at its best!

Just to be clear  - you can listen here by clicking on ANY of the webcam and video streams, but ONLY the ZE3 'contemporary' radio stream. The address is

You will get pictures, assuming it's all working, from Lerwick, Sumburgh and we hope Unst. Including pictures from the main studio in Market Street, Lerwick, and from Sumburgh Head.

Here's a planned schedule for today:

1200-1230 - Launch from Market Street, followed by
                     Inga's 80's
1230-1400 - David Lewis from Aberdeen - Shetlander and former Original FM presenter with his own story in words and music
1400-1600 - Live Simmer Dim Sounds from Sumburgh to Unst: Tom Morton hosts from Sumburgh Head but connects up with Victoria's Tea Room in Unst.
1600-1700 - Kellie's Rocking Unst. Kellie Naulis - her story, her tunes, her Unst.
1700-1800 - Classic Car Show Tour - with motorised music!
1800-2000 - Mike Marwick
2000-2200 - Live. Tom Morton's Beatcroft Social. Live guests include Adam Guest and Duncan Phillips in Australia. Top music with Shetland links...and none!
2200-2300 - The Virtual Conductor - Eamon Watt with classical music
2300-2400 - Drew's American Gospel - Drew Ratter introduction to American roots

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