Monday, November 15, 2004


So, for the moment, the feeling is that the sound quality provided by ISDN wasn't quite up to the Beeb's standards, and therefore broadcasting from the Barn of Bannocks is currently in abeyance.
We shall see if a few tweaks can't sort things out. It was rather unfortunate that the webcam system I'd gone to so much trouble to set up turned out have a similar (one character away) address as a live sex site, but hey, these things happen. Might have been better if I hadn't inadvertently forwarded said address to various BBC executives too...
Anyway, at least I have speedy internet access at the Barn, though not so speedy as the much-vaunted, much-promised, and much-missed broadband...


Sean Luo said...

Hey Tom, a huge fan from New York City here. Been listening to you over Beeb's website for years. Is it me or is it that this little blog of yours isn't well publicized?

Your really oughtta go on a tour in the good ol' USA at some point.

Tom Morton said...

Cheers Sean. There is a wee link on the main show page but I quite like the idea of the blog being semi-secret.