Slept for 12 hours on the north boat, with occasional wakings for particularly bumpy bits of sea. And that's the last Phenergan outing (I hope) until the new year. It's great to be back in Shetland after nearly three weeks away in Glasgow, Ireland, Lewis, Inverness, Ullapool, Aberdeen and all points inbetween. Some good work was done, I think. But it's all been very tiring.
Just nipped round to our neighbour Fiona's new craft shop, which is going to be really fantastic when it opens. She's running the Designed in Shetland website which offers all sorts of locally-produced goodies for sale. She's got a special offer for Christmas of my whisky book, Spirit of Adventure, bundled with a miniature of Highland Park whisky and with an inscription of your choice by the author. It's a Book'n'a Bevvy for just £11.99! Bargain!
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