Monday, February 28, 2011

The 20 best whiskies in the world, and a horrible liqueur

The final flight. These are the 20 best whiskies in the world, according to the panel of 'experts' (the quotes are for me) that has been sniffing, gargling, swallowing and occasionally spitting over the past couple of months.

I can't remember how many I've dealt with. Maybe 60. Scored out of 10 and described ('overtones of diesel and two-stroke, fish barrels, herring and Macaroon bars mixed with Marmite') until finally, we're here. Twenty whiskies (and whiskeys). North American, Irish (controversially slung in with single malts from Scotland and Japan), One grain, a few blends and blended malts. Oh, and a single liqueur, either Glayva or Drambuie. I neither know nor care. Both are beyond horrid in my opinion.

No names. Just genres and numbers. But the best whisky in the world, in my humble opinion, is Single Malt 6. Treacle, tar, lemon zest and that infamous port-Guinness cocktail, plus some dark rum. Chewy.

Time for a cup of tea, methinks...


Paul Godley said...

If you have any samples left can I volunteer to test them ;)

Unknown said...

Tom, I know I am horribly late with this comment, but I couldn't resist a wee tale.
Long after New Year celebrations should have been finished a fine chap came in with a very special bottle of Macallan, 25+ years old, the dram not the man, he was well beyond counting in years, anyways, he poured me a good heft of dram and I drunkenly and immediately poured an equal measure of Glayva on top declaring that we were all having Rusty Nails, last I remember was been chased along a country road shouting rightful apologies over my shoulder. Such youthful naivety