A wee walk before breakfast. Beautiful spring morning in the west end. Manfully resisting the blandishments of The North Star, sustenance was acquired from home-made porridge (with raisins and salt). Plus lashings of Canderel.
Interesting psephological fact: On a walk from Hillhead Underground to the shops at Queen Margaret Drive, I saw one Labour window poster and four for the Lib Dems. Nothing Tory or SNP related. Seems a bit paltry. In my young day there would have been a corncucopia of posters, including SWP and RCP stuff, not to mention people (possibly among them Lord George of Galloway) bellowing in the street...
'Woy's a Ranker' was the West End election billboard I remember ....
Roy Jenkins as an early S.D.P and party leader, standing and winning in Hillhead,(1982-85) the most 'intelligent constituency' in the country. Aye right, maybe. Then George Galloway (Lab. of course) replaced him ...)
Who is it now? Just about sums it up ....
Canderel? On your porridge?
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