Just a wee collage, showing, variously, the coward's view of Eshaness this morning (9th January, so windy I could hardly stand; force nine gusting more); two shots of sunrise on 1st January, 2006 (around 9.00 am); a boat just along from our house, not mine; a remnant of the MOD presence at Eshaness, taken this morning; Hillswick from the Manse, around 9.00 am, New Year's Day; a corner of the kitchen during my birthday do. My dad.
All taken on the new
Samsung PRO815, which is the size and weight of an SLR, but has a built-in (on?) zoom lens of colossal zoomability. It's all-singing, all-dancing, and so far I can make it sort of mumble and shuffle. Advice from Bruce, neighbour and ace landscape photographer, is to wrap it in clingfilm if out in windy, seaspray-laden conditions. Like today. Oops...
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