Sunday, February 11, 2018

Take Fresh Heart: First Beatcroft Social of 2018. And Hot Potatoes; a poem

Here's the first Beatcroft Social of 2018, 'Take Fresh Heart'. Almost an hour and a half of quite good music, desultory ramblings and the occasional nostalgic rant. The Spotify playlist. And a poem.


I lack
Shetland Black
But Edzell Blues
Or Maris Pipers
Will do

The skin
Still flecked with soil
Lie tuberous joys
To boil

Or roast
But most
in Scotland fry
So hearts fail
Millions die

The earth
Gives birth
To maize and wheat
To fowl and fish
All kinds of meat

Is nice
Jasmine, Basmati
But my spirit yearns
For tatties

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