Here we are, then.
James Bond is on the telly.
Watchnight service in the Hillswick kirk tonight.
We appear to have enough to drink and eat.
Various children are at home. The dogs are asleep downstairs.
Granny's at the care centre, but will be here tomorrow.
I think there's enough propane and heating oil.
It's been a gloriously mild Christmas Eve, like a spring day, and the Radiocroft is almost - almost - ready for habitation by my sister and her family next week.
As for cooking, this is a picture of our oven. Or rather, my hand-built peat-driven field oven, intended for all-night roasting of turkey and goose. Alas, It's turned out to be more of a fridge than an oven. A few design tweaks needed for next year. Have to trust in Calor once more.
Anyway, God bless and have a great Christmas.
1 comment:
"Shop bought peats"? Never! Cast, raised, dried, bagged and hauled home by hand. Though, err...not mine. What are kids for?
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