Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hot days and nights in Shetland...

Fantastic, almost unprecedented weather in Shetland. Too hot to go out yesterday! Today was the Mavis Grind Foy...where else can you get a seafood platter (skate, smoked mackerel, mussels and fresh salmon) for £4? Mavis Grind is a narrow isthmus where the North Sea meets the Atlantic. From Viking times until the 1950s, it was used as a short cut, with boats being dragged over the land from sea to sea in order to avoid the sometimes ferocious conditions around the northernmost part of North Roe. The pictures include a view over South Whiteness on Shetland's west side, and a shot of the sky taken at 12.45am today from our house.

Yesterday, one of Susan's registrars, a doctor from Barbados, said it was 'too hot' and very like home...

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